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2000+ Sessions completed with not a single follow-up call. When I say, No Spam, I mean it.
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Message Venkat to get genuine insurance, and investment ad vice. *Paid consulting
What value you get?
Why this session might add value to you?
Indians working abroad should learn about the products available in the life insurance sector in India and how to use them even if they are going to permanently retire in other country. I have spoken to hundreds of NRIs in Middle East countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman etc.
How it works?
Message me, learn about the consulting fee, if you are okay with it, pay before we both find time to have a 1 hour to 1.30 hour session. Note that, you could optionally fill this form. Allow me to message you once to request for your convenient time.
Our Network
1.Get Term Plan – Term Insurance Consulting
2.Health Insurance – Health Insurance Consulting
3.Mutual fund review & retirement planning – Retirement Strategy